Chapter -Two

I never thoughty work in Newyork will get over within this year, so now I can move back to korea to complete the work there and then after korea?

SU University offered me everything I needed, they also informed me I can continue both medical practice and teaching, which wasn't a bad idea.

List of students who are doing projects on oncology was moved to my table, now my duty was to concentrate on picking students who might be helpful to me.

Universe itself settled me with all needs I have including a house. Which was situated right beside the hospital.

The first day of my work also the current internship batch started from today, I was Informed to guide them.

I entered the class, simply said my introduction and started to tell them all the necessary procedures that should be followed during the whole year, because I'm their incharge.

“I have no so-called rules that should be informed to you all, you guys aren't kids, everyone is an adult so act accordingly, the only thing I would inform you all is discipline during your posting time and inside the campus, I don't care how you all act outside the campus.”

I'm not interested much in telling each and everyone what to do and what not to do, after all they aren't kids they have the ability to understand everything and act mature.

Also, I don't want my students to get the feeling of being controlled under me.

“I'll be on the same floor as you all posted, I'll be in the general surgery department, so if you have any issue seek me out without making it late.”

Everyone can leave except those who are having projects on oncology. I have some instructions to give you all.

“You all have to come up with an assignment by the end of this week. The assignment is on what is oncology? And a treatment plan and your idea on it.” I informed them.

“But Sir,we are internship students, do you really think we won't know what that is?” The green-eyed girl answered me.

“What is your name?”

“I'm Park Azara.”

“Ms.Park, first complete your assignment then I'll let you know what you are capable of. I don't want all those google answers, write using your brain, then I'll decide whether you guys know are not.” I left telling her this.

I hate when people try to act smart, but in the end it's complete foolishness.

“I'll give you all my e-mail ID, if you have doubt’s don't hesitate to drop me mail, but make sure you are clear in what doubt you are asking me. Now, get back to your respective posting areas.”

I went back to my cabin to check some files. The major work I see inside the hospital is patient case files, so far I haven't decided to take any patients, but it might change in future.

Since I'll be incharge of the internship batch, everything is under my responsibility. I started to check their research file and its progress and was only left with disappointment. These people need more and more guidance to do more. I think I should talk to them.

I'm late today, oh god I should get into the class before the Porsche guy enters, hearing all those rumours spreading around, if I'm late he might chew me I'm sure about it.

“Where are my scrubs and stethoscope?” I got you baby, I rushed out of my room after having a bite of food.

“I'm gonna kill you Nova.” 

You can question what Nova did without hesitating. She stayed with her boyfriend ditching me. I'm not a morning person and, importantly, the alarm will forever be muted for my ears.

Getting into the cab, I reached college, only 2 minutes were left for me to get into college. Only two minutes to save my life from that Porsche guy. God knows who he is, I never saw him before, but still I'm afraid of him.

Nova was in class before me. I went inside the class and sat near her. The moment I sat, our coordinator came, I gasped the gasp that I have never gasped.

“Azara, he is the Porsche guy.”

“Nova, are you sure?”

“Why do you ask me,are you sure?”

“Because, I thought he is the biker guy.”

“A Porsche guy can ride a bike, also Azara.” Nova said.

“Makes sense, but I'll become a senseless idiot if this is the situation.”

Oh no, This isn't supposed to happen like this, he is the biker guy, when did he turn out to be the Porsche guy. Ahhh, stress.

The guy I was simping last night turns out to be my professor? Azara, you are really a crazy person.

His piercing is all removed, his long sleeves that are folded display only half of his tattoos. I could feel the whole class is simping for him, but his jerk nature won't let Anyone near him.

It's true even a straight person will become gay for him, but Azara you get a hold of you, he is your teacher that's all, just forget everything that you imagined yesterday as a bad dream.

Bad dream? No honey, that was an orgasming night!

But still I should keep in mind about the reality.

“Everyone, can leave to your respective posting area except those who are having research on oncology.” I heard him.

Oncology, oh no, it's me who is having research but why does he want us to wait.

He said he is out incharge and every 2 hours we will be having special classes.

Not the whole class, like only us three? Me, Nova and Atlas? Sounds good but not a good idea either.

“You all have to come up with an assignment by the end of this week. The assignment is on what is oncology? And a treatment plan and your idea on it.” I heard him saying.

Bro, we are internship students, does he think we are pre-board students? What nonsense.

My bloody mouth didn't shut, “Mr.Jeon, but we are internship students, do you really think we won't know what that is?” I told, he looked up at me

“Really? First do the assignment I told you all, then I'll decide which grade your brain is working. Don't think you're over smart and act brainless.” He said, again making me gasp.

Porsche guy-1, Azara-0

Wow, insult? More than that, this Porsche guy is dangerous, we should be careful with him.

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Just a normal college girl, trying to fulfill her wishes 🦋🤍

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