
Coming back here was like a dream. Though it was true it didn't feel the same way. 

I remembered all those sweet memories I left here, but sometimes the sweet memories feel like bitter trauma. 

I thought of not coming here especially with mom, but after what Nova said, I can't leave like that, I may be angry with her but still I love her. She is my right? I can't leave her just like that. 

The time I spent with her from kid was very little, I wish I can spend more upcoming. Also, I never tried to listen her side. So, I'm also going to find out what actually happened without asking her.

Mom told me the opposite house is rented by someone who is a important person for in SU Hospital. Which means someone I might know. But what is more important is to keep that person away from me for my inner peace.

Who likes to have someone whom we just know around us? It should be either someone close or strange.

Also, I remember staying here only till I was eight years old, then I moved to apartment with my dad.

Because both houses belonged to my Mom, when I was kid, our family lived in the present home and the opposite house was empty from what I know.

Though it wasn't a mansion, it was more than enough for a family to have a lavish lifestyle.

I didn't like it having same fencing, I should tell mom to close remove the fencing and build walls between.

Sometimes if we are too loud, voices will be audible from this home to that. 

I left early from University without roaming with Nova, coming to my room, I checked if everything was packed, if not also no issues, Nova will bring it to me.

Though I was busy packing, my thoughts were on the oncology group. Should I save his number? Nope, Azara. He didn't give it to himself so why should I save it? How did he get my number? He is my class coordinator so, of course he will have my number, how dumb I can be? 

Mom came to our room, helping me in carrying things. She hugged me when seeing, she was too warm. Her hug instantly relaxed me, maybe this was all I needed? Was anyone there to hug me when I was in need? 

“How are you my baby?” She cupped my cheeks, staring deep into my eyes, as if she was seeing me for the first time. 

“Mom, I'm not a baby.” I whined, hugging her back.

“You will forever be my little baby, no matter how much you grow Azara.” Mom said.

I nodded, I could see tears gathering but not gonna cry in front of my mom.

Reached home, everything was the same, no changes, but the warmth this home provided me wasn't there. Home wasn't a home, it was just a house. 

I think it's time to face anything rather than running, running is over. I can't keep on running forever isn't it.

Everything was arranged already, my room, my study, and even the sit out I wished for. Mom is trying to do everything I like I think.

“Azara, did you like your room arrangement? Or should we change it.” Mom asked me, for which I simply replied, “I love it mom, this is perfect, so no need to change.”

“Fine then.” 

“Take a shower, I'll start preparing your dinner."

“Sure mom."

“Didn't you invite Nova and Atlas?"

"Nope" I replied.

"You are cruel, invite them by tomorrow, let's have dinner together." 

The moment I stepped inside the shower, I felt like a celebrity. I did a mini concert, which took almost an hour. Coming out from the shower, I heard mom calling my name.

Wearing my green night suit, I walked down leaving my hair open, it was all wet. 

“Azara, your hair is still wet, didn't you dry it?” Maa asked.

“No mom, let it dry itself in the air, my hair is already dry and frizzy, I don't want to use the dryer.” I replied. 

“Fine, complete your dinner, don't sleep with wet hair, you will get a headache.” 

“Yeah, I replied.” 

Eating home food, especially that's is prepared by mom, was amazing, because these many days, I used to eat food that I myself prepare or take orders.

“Mom, the food is too good.” 

She smiled back. 

“You can eat anything you want hereafter, I'm here to cook anything you like.” 

“Thanks, mom.” I replied back.

“Are you going to sleep now?” Mom asked me.

“No, I have some project work to do, I'll sleep after that.” 

I tried to focus on the project but couldn't do much.

I came out to the sitout, with coffee, trying to take all the unwanted thoughts out from my head. 

It's a full moon day, isn't the moon too pretty? 

I remember dad telling me, look into the moon and think the person you miss, they will also remember you that time. 

I smiled, do you remember me now dad? 

“Azara, what are you doing here?” It was mom.

“Nothing mom, I'm just spending time.” 

“Should we take a walk Inside the fence?”

“Yeah.” I replied mom.

We both started to walk having talks with each other, I was talking about planting some saplings. 

My love for plants and pets is never ending. 

“We should do it for sure.” 

I looked at the swimming pool, in which the water was drained, I know mom would have done it. 

“This swimming pool thought me how to swin, do underwater stunt and something yoga too.”

Mom saw me looking at it, and she spoke, gaining my attention.

“I've drained the water since, you told me?"

“Thank you.”

"Why don't you start swimming again?”

"Mom, do you really think, I can do all swimming activities having hectic schedule."

"Makes sense."

We both finally reached the back side of the house where the garage is located. The garage is big enough to hold 4 to 5 cars in it. 

I saw the Porsche, now everytime I see the Porsche I'll remember Mr.Jeon, since he is the Porsche guy.

“Mom, whose car is it?”

“It's our neighbour.”

“Mom, you know what, I see a lot of people having Porsche nowadays, I think I'm having a crush on Porsche.”

“Azara, you are in the age where you are supposed to crush over a man not in a car, what's wrong with you? Who else has a Porsche?” Mom asked me. 

“I heard about someone driving a Porsche a day at my university.” I said.

“I see.” 

“Mom, should I learn to drive?” 

“Of Course you can if you want, but make sure you are 100% sure about it.” 

“Yeah, I am.”

I should come out of my comfort zone. Driving or crazing over cars wasn't my type but now I'm attracted to it, but why? 

Getting into my room, I placed the water bottle on the night table, I was about to close the window and screen. I saw someone walking on the balcony of the opposite house. 

I think he is the neighbour mom spoke to. I couldn't see his face since it's dark. Also, I don't want to see him either.

I slept peacefully.

— Time skips — 

“Azara, I have something to tell you.” 

“Now, what?” I asked Nova. 

“That, my boyfriend's friend, is interested in you.” Nova said, making Atlas laugh. 

“Why are you laughing Atlas, nova screamed.” 

“Do you really think she will date someone?” 

“Why can't she?” Nova argued with Atlas.

“Azara, You are 23 and why are you still not dating anyone?” 

I kept quiet, not answering her.

“Azara, why do you don't want to date anyone?” She asked me. 

“Yeah, we all need this answer.” Atlas replied.

“It's not like, I don't want to date, it's just I didn't have time to concentrate on it, you guys know what my life is really like.”

“We know, but this can't be the excuse, you have to come out from it, you can't stay like this forever.” Nova said. 

“Yeah, I'm waiting for that one person.”

“That one person to fuck the nonsense out of you?” Nova questioned me.

I laughed.

“Yeah, to pamper me, to give me all love and at the same time to fulfil all my dark fantasies.” I said.

“Why shouldn't you try a one night stand?” 

“Nova, are you serious?” 

“Yeah, I'm. You are 23, so why not one night stand?” 

“I'm not interested. So tell your boyfriend to inform his friend that I'm not interested.” 

Nova Shakes her head in disappointment.

“Atlas, will you teach me how to drive a car?” I asked.

“Is it azara asking it?” Atlas asked me.

“Why suddenly?” Nova asked me.

“I think I'm attracted to cars nowadays.” I said.

“Cars or car guys?” 

“Shut up nova.” I said. 

“I want to learn drifting.” I said.

“Stupid, first learn difference between clutch and brake, then learn drifting.” Atlas said.

“Shut up.” 

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Just a normal college girl, trying to fulfill her wishes 🦋🤍

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