Chapter -Seven.

It's been two days since I got the assignment. I was about to complete when Mr.Jeon informed, drop the assignment that was related to the project.

When I asked him why, he told me the reason which was acceptable.

“The research came to an end almost and it was started by my friend, I just accompanied him, he will take care of the rest and I want you all to concentrate much on your internship since we have done research already and it can be continued in future if needed.”

“Mr.Jeon, who will accompany us in future, suppose if we continue.” I asked him.

“I'll help you.” He replied to me.

So, the assignment related to research is over, my only work hereafter will be a patient's case presentation which won't be a headache since I'll be reading files everyday.

No more classes with Mr.Jeon, who is happy? Me? Yes, I'm very happy He will ask so many questions? He does. Everytime. The number of questions he asks me, I question my whole existence.

My happiness faded after I remembered. I still have to spend my whole year with him, since my internship will be with him.

Azara, I'm waiting for you— Nova texted me.

It's almost 5pm, and I was about to leave. When I saw atlas, walking down through steps instead of lift. Since he was walking urgently, I didn't bother to call him.

“Nova, let's go.” I said reaching the parking lot.

“Azara, wear your id card, I left mine in class.”

I wore my id card, the only reason we carry id cards with us is for all the discounts we get in cafe and canteen, now id is for free parking. We are free to leave if we show our id, if not we are supposed to pay.

Reaching Nova’s room, which was also mine once we started to talk about some random things.

That's when we started to talk about all the fictional characters we love.

“Azara, I'm in need of Zade meadows now.”

“You seriously want Zade fuvking meadows in your life?” I asked.

“Yeah, I want someone to protect me, teach me self defence just like how he taught Adeline and most importantly give me a rose everytime he comes to see me.” Nova was telling me all these, all I could have was a disappointed look on my face.

Is this girl thinking stalking is romantic? Leaving Rose every time he came to see her was giving me chills down my spine, but still not gonna lie. We all need a Zade in our life, don't we? Or not? Everyone might have a different perspective.

“Which was your favourite scene from Haunting Adeline? Tell me without lying, because I know you.” Nova said.

I smiled Looking at her, she smiled back, because we both know what we both are thinking.

“Mirror house— we both said it together, making us both laugh so hard.

“I thought gun scene was your favourite." Nova told.

"I was Traumatized after reading that scene, but mirror scene isn't like that, to be honest its my bucket list."I said.

“So, beach sex, mirror house fuvk, what else is in your imagination?" She questioned me.

“I can't tell you.” I said.

“I will eventually know it if I read your draft, all your stories, I'm telling you to publish it, but you aren't doing it.”

“Nova did you forget what I told—  “ Okay, sorry." She told.

“I have something to tell—

She cuted me in half.

“Now, tell me why you were so scared when Dr.Jessica was listening to us.”

I thought Nova forgot it but not, she asked me. It's not that I don't want to tell her, but when she questions me about the real thing, I can't lie to her.

“We are gossiping even after the break time is over.”

“You are lying Azara. Tell me the truth, we both know that we can't keep secrets from us.”

“You asked me about a car or a car guy, so I thought you asked me about Mr.Jeon.” I said.

“You better spill the tea azara.” Nova said in a threatening way.

I told her everything, from meeting him in a convenience store and thinking of him as a biker including the attraction I felt towards him.

“So, you mean you have a crush on Mr.Jeon?” She questioned me.

“I think— not really. I thought he looked good and attractive when I saw him for the first time, but after knowing him as our professor, I dropped every single thought I had.”

“You better don't have anything, it's not gonna work.” Nova said.

Why is this girl serious all of the sudden? She will never tell me not to do anything, now what happened.

“Why so?” I asked her.

“Mr.Jeon and Ms.Jessica are dating.” Nova told.

“How do you know?” I questioned it back.

“I Heard her telling him, he said to Louis she is Girlfriend, since the talk was personal, I didn't listen much. I came from there without wasting a second.”

“Oh.” Is this all I replied to?

“Are you upset?”

“No, I'm not.”

But I am deep down for some reason, knowing the fact they both are dating disturbed me.

“Good, what's you plan now, azara.”

“You remember, I told mom to fill the swimming pool and I'm planning to cut my hair.” I said.

“How about you colour your hair?” Nova asked me.

“Great idea, it's just 6pm, let's go now.”

It's almost 8pm, hair cut, colouring my hair into chocolate brown, all remaking for myself was completely done.

Dropping nova, I came home and surprised mom. She always asked me to get a makeover.

All she wanted was to see me happy and to concentrate on myself and that's what I'm doing now.

The wolf cut does go well for me. It was Nova who told me to take a wolf cut, telling me it will look more good, because of my green eyes.

That was damn true, mom loved it too.

Now, all I want to have is a pet.

Am I a dog person? A big no.

I remember running miles away seeing dogs, I'm sorry no hate to any dogs or dog lover, it's just I can't stand.

I think I'd better go with birds.

Birds always good, small, sweet and loving.

The swimming pool was filled, in front of the house which had a table near it and with all those decorative plants kept for aesthetics.

I sat on the chair, googling the best bird to have as pets. My All-time wish was to have pigeons as pets, but mom never allowed me.

Mom tells me she doesn't like pigeon, but don't know why. But now I want a pigeon as my pet. Not only one but pairs of pigeon.

I imagined myself, surrounded with pigeons. The white pigeon, the black one and blueish green.

But all this dream will come true only if mom agree.

I should convince her.

I was trying to wear my sweater properly when I saw a dog running towards me, it was a Doberman.

I couldn't think of starting, I screamed calling my mom, but ended up falling in the swimming pool.

“Jungkook, bam is perfectly fine now, you can take him home.” Jungwoo told me, giving me relief.

Bam wasn't well from the day we came to korea. I left him under special care and now he is perfectly fine.

It was  more than frustrating since the research was in its final stage. As we all wanted the result came out as what was needed. So my work here is over.

I was never interested in all those research and publishing thesis, it happened just to Focus on myself rather than focusing on problems that were going on.

That's when Jessica and rhyle invited me to join their thesis, I also joined and worked along with them, the more and more, my interest in it started to grow, so I did super speciality in oncology after completing my general surgeon.

So hereafter I'll concentrate more on patients. It can be either general cases or carcinoma case.

Jessica was too furious after what happened a day back, she decided to leave everything in half. After talking so much I convinced her to stay and made her understand what's the real thing.

I felt the pressure became less after she became normal.

So, now the management informed me to make sure the students concentrate more on the internship rather than the research since everyone did submit one in the past.

I informed everyone to drop all  research work and concentrate on an internship. Everyone will be posted under Individual doctor and will be guided throughout the internship period.

So, clearing all those unwanted files and past research files, I moved to bring bam home.

Mr. Song shared me the blueprint of the building I was asking for making my work more simple.

Keeping all my thoughts I concentrated on driving.

Finally I'm here with bam to take him home.

I could see how much he missed me, just by him running towards me. I can also tell he isn't sick anymore, he is perfectly fine.

Getting all the necessary emergency medicines for him and food, I started the engine to reach home.

Reaching home, I opened the door but didn't expect him to run like this. This isn't only me living here, the fence has two houses inside.

The opposite house, which is said to be the landlady 's house, is where Bam ran.

Now it's all Messed up. Because I saw a girl falling in the swimming pool, being scared of Bam.

Without wasting a second I jumped Inside to save her. And it's none other than someone I know.


“Azara, what are you doing here?”

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Just a normal college girl, trying to fulfill her wishes 🦋🤍

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